Endorsed by

Invitation to Participate
17-18 February 2023, Crown Conference Centre Melbourne
Endorsed by the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS), the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the New Zealand Association of Plastic Surgeons (NZAPS), and approved by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), the plastic surgeons of The Melbourne Institute of Plastic Surgery have great pleasure in inviting you to attend the 25th Advanced Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Workshop (AAPSW) to be held at the Crown Conference Centre from 17th – 18th February 2023.
The 2023 workshop will focus on ‘The Art of Facial Aesthetic Surgery’. In keeping with gaining the most from the visit of our two invited international guests, we will also feature other topics of aesthetic interest including eyelids, face and neck surgery, fat grafting and augmentation and non surgical.
The 2023 workshop will include didactic teaching, video presentations of topical surgical procedures along with discussion panels and audience Q&A opportunities. A host of talented local experts will also be included in the program to ensure that the 25th AAPSW provides another year of strong educational content to all attending.
We wish to raise the standards of management for the betterment of the specialty and hence to improve patient outcomes, as well as to raise the bar in an already high standard plastic surgery community.
We encourage you to not only support this meeting, which has become a permanent highlight in our yearly plastic surgery calendar, but to also become involved with your fellow attendees to help us continue to make this a valuable meeting to the great benefit of all plastic surgeons, plastic surgery trainees, dedicated plastic surgery nurses and the industry sponsors involved.
As has become tradition, the workshop is once again being held at the Crown Conference Centre in Melbourne, Australia. The Crown complex is a landmark of this remarkable city and located at the heart of the action in Melbourne’s vibrant Southbank entertainment precinct. The Conference centre sits adjacent to the Crown Entertainment Complex, Promenade, Metropol and Crown Towers hotels, is only a short walk to the CBD and only moments from the city’s world renowned arts and sporting precincts.
This educational activity has been approved in the RACS CPD Program. Fellows who participate can claim one point per hour in Maintenance of Knowledge and Skills.
Participation in this activity will be populated into your RACS CPD Online.
Scientific Program
Important Dates
17 – 18 February 2023
25th Advanced Aesthetic
Plastic Surgery Workshop
17 – 18 February 2023
AAPSW Cocktail Reception
International key note speaker
Dr. Neurohr is an internationally acclaimed aesthetic plastic surgeon renowned for his remarkable ability to make people look much younger and refreshed without looking like they ever had surgery. His mastery of the human form, his genuine personable demeanor, and his total commitment to each patient’s care has created a loyal patient following of unsurpassed quality.
Dr. Chia Chi Kao, MD is a board-certified aesthetic plastic and reconstructive surgeon with over fifteen years of experience whom Vogue claims “is single-handedly revolutionizing the future of facelifts”. He is also the founder of the KAO Center in Santa Monica, CA and is the creator of the new and revolutionary Ponytail Lift™ and Ponytail Facelift™ procedures. “My focus is as much on the emotional as the physical. It is not about making someone simply look younger, but giving them the gift of feeling attractive and vibrant. Beauty is timeless.” – Chia Chi Kao, MD
Dr. Kao has curated his own specialized techniques for each procedure, enabling him to cause minimal disruption, prevent damage, and maintain the health and quality of the skin, most often improving it. He is also the founder of the KAO Center in Santa Monica, CA and is the creator of the new and revolutionary Ponytail Lift™ and Ponytail Facelift™ procedures.
Thank you to our sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Coffee Cart Sponsor
Workshop Supporters